
Staying healthy. Staying sane. – 3 tips that help you deal with the Corona Crisis


It’s crazy. In no time, everything can turn upside down. And we’re all sitting in the same boat. Breaking news update us every minute on the latest numbers and spreading of the novel corona virus. Events are cancelled, gyms and shops are closed. And suddenly, Corona grounds us for an indefinite period. This creates many organisational challenges: How can I switch to remote work? Who will look after the children? And when is the best time to go shopping before the queue reaches the street?


Corona confronts us with uncertainty

In addition to restructuring everyday life, Corona also challenges us mentally – and confronts us directly with the ultimate quest: dealing with uncertainty. Nobody knows how long the virus will define our everyday life, what consequences it will have for our health, the economy and jobs and what everyday life will look like when the storm has settled. This change and uncertainty evokes different feelings in us. While some buy the additional freezer to have enough space for supplies, others are annoyed by empty shelves in the supermarket. Some people already have cabin fever after just a few days at home. Many fear for their jobs and for their loved ones who are at risk. This flood of emotions can be overwhelming. That’s why mental and emotional fitness is more important than ever! Right now it is crucial to keep one’s cool, to be strong for those who need our help, to be strong for ourselves and to take care of our well-being.
So here are 3 tips for dealing with difficult emotions in these turbulent times of Corona:

3 practical tips to deal with uncertainty during Corona


Tip #1: Control the controllable:

It is unfortunately beyond our control that many things are currently changing. But we are not helplessly at the mercy of circumstances! Epictetus hits the nail on the head: It’s our reaction that counts, not the circumstances. Accepting the factors we cannot influence and instead focusing on things we can control is one of the most important skills for letting go of negative emotions. So try to consciously focus on the aspects that are in your control: You can use the time at home to explore subjects that you’ve always wanted to get to the bottom of, but haven’t had the chance to do so yet. You can learn to deal productively with your emotions and focus on your mental well-being. Or you can use this time of flux to reorient yourself and to reflect in quiet, what’s really important to you and what drives you even in difficult times. Perhaps you can think of plenty more things. So ask yourself -what can you control in your current situation?

“It’s not what happens to you, but how you react to it that matters.” – Epictetus

Tip #2: Build new routines

Another thing you have control over are your daily routines. If we need to let go of our usual daily routine, we have to create a new structure for everyday life. That’s exactly what many people are struggling with, because especially newcomers among the remote workers find it hard not to get into a rut. So get up as usual, maybe put on the jeans instead of the onesie and bring structure into your day at home. That way you can avoid frustration and laziness and get the most out of your day.

Tip #3: Meditate to calm your mind in Corona times

Could there be a better time to finally establish a meditation routine? With all the things happening in the world right now, it is not easy to keep that inner balance. As a matter of fact: the only constant in life is change. Meditation helps you to stay even-keeled in the wind of change, to regulate your emotions and to stay clear-headed. If you like, learn to let go of tension and stress with our Flow Session “Breather” or take a deep breath with “Calm Winds”.
Let’s make the best out of it and take care of our physical as well as our mental well-being!

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